Friday, March 4, 2011

Visitors From the Lower School

Today the Turtles had a special surprise - a visit from Susan's first grade class. First, we had a mini-concert, as Leah played several songs on her guitar and then answered questions from the Turtles. Then, the Turtles each paired off with a first grade friend, and each first grader read a book they'd brought with them.

The Turtles were a little shy at first, then they really enjoyed the stories. Next, they got a chance to show the first graders around the room, and the fun really began. Our class pets and the climber were favorite hang outs.

We said goodbye to our new friends, after having made plans to come visit them in their classroom. Then we had our Morning Meeting, where we had a chance to talk about their visit and to start thinking about what we'll do for them when we go to their room. We also started to talk about our plans to write a digital storybook. The Turtles have no shortage of ideas and are excited to get started. Choice Time saw the return of the drum circle, some new puzzles and work on our big canvas. 

We got to spend some time out in the sunshine, with lots of running, climbing and swinging. Inside, we read Dr. Suess' ABC's, and all of the Turtles worked hard to figure out who had what letters in their names, and laughed as they tried to pronounce the book's many tongue twisters.

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