Thursday, October 21, 2010

Introducing Bob, the Scarecrow

Today at Morning Meeting, we read the book, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything by Linda Williams and illustrated by Megan Lloyd. It is about a spooky set of clothes, that turns into a scarecrow to scare the birds away from the garden! We realized that we didn't have a scarecrow for our garden, and so we decided to make one! We stuffed its pants and shirt, but didn't know what to call it. Julian said, "It could be a man or a woman or a boy or a girl, but it has boy clothes so I think its a boy." We decided to call it Bob.
Next we stitched his head together but before we could make the face, we had to decide what kind of face to make.  Some kids thought we should make a scary face and some kids thought we should make happy face. We decided to have the children sketch their ideas. And they drew some amazing pictures! Check out our bulletin board! On Monday we will make our final decision.

A mystery also happened during Choice Time today! Tamara was reading some children some books, when she picked up the class favorite, Green Eggs and Ham. Only, all the words were different; it was in Latin! As she started reading it, the children were at first confused, then hysterically laughing! It was so funny, but we have no idea where it came from!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our Day in Pictures

Today, we were just too busy for words...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Deeply Engaging Choice Time

Today we had an extended indoor Choice Time, and the depth and breadth of the children's engagement was amazing to witness! Cooperative, imagintive play unfolded in every corner of the room. At the Art Table, children continued to deepen their exploration of water colors, using the water-napkin-color-paint! sequence to keep the colors clear and bright. We even made up a little chant to help us remember the order.
There was also a race happening. A couple of children set up the long carboard tube to race cars. Nearby, other children declared that they had tickets for the race, brought a picnic and watched the car races.
At Morning Meeting, we took the children on a Bear Hunt, and this time, the children chanted each line back, making the hand gestures that went along with the story.
 After a delicious snack of cheddar and apples, we divided into small groups. The groups took turns playing on the playground and giving the guinea pigs their first ever bath.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkins and the Magic of Fall

Today was a beautiful Fall day, and the Turtles took full advantage of it with two outside play times! At Morning Meeting, Tamara told an imaginary story about The Fairy and the Magic Pumpkins, and the little girl who learned the fairy's secret about how to make the pumpkins glitter with dew.

And then the Turtles got to work on their own magic pumpkins, brought in by Sarah Lynne and her mom Dawn Sandee. While one group was outside, another group worked inside on painting magically glittering pumpkins.
Center Time was also busy this morning, as children experimented with the cardboard tube that came with our new rug. They put cars through the tube, one after another in a rolling cascade, until there was an obstruction. David explained, "I just pick it up because the car is stuck, and then it rolls!"
Other children worked with the water colors, and they are quickly mastering the use of the water and paper towel to keep the paint colors bright and vivid.
Movement with Missy was so much fun as we stretched and danced with scarves. We even invented a new game, Noodle Soccer, using giant foam noodles to pass around a giant soccer ball.