Friday, January 28, 2011

A Small Busy Day

The Turtles came in and got busy, making up for lost time. A boat was quickly constructed, maps were drawn, puzzles put together and trains set to tracks. Friends were happy to see each other and excited about the snow.

At Morning Meeting, Paul read a story about counting and the Turtles predicted what was coming next. Then, friends talked about the things that were different in our class today - noting who wasn't here today and how much later we had started. We shared some about our snow day, and then made plans about what we would build outside today.

At Choice Time, the Turtles  did a short round of some of their favorite activities  - piano playing, building and painting. After a quick snack, we began layering up to head outside. The Turtles had so much fun in the snow - building mountains, falling in the snow and, finally, sculpting a Snow Chicken (or Snow Duck, depending on who you asked). We finished off by building our bird a snow nest and filling it with snow eggs.

 Back inside, we read one of our current favorite books - Duck in a Truck - before singing goodbye to our half-day friends and getting ready for lunch and rest.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Letters to Play and Letters to Write

Morning began with a new boat, which gradually turned into a rescue jet, which then evolved into an obstacle course. The shifts happened as the Turtles worked hard to negotiate different preferences and plans. After working hard to come to an agreement about what to build, friends realized that they could have fun testing their balance and coordination on the dismantled blocks, and soon the entire classroom was involved!

After a round of yoga, we gathered for Morning Meeting, where we learned some new words to a new favorite song, "Teaching Peace." Then, we introduced a new chime instrument that Max brought in and noticed how each note was coded with both a color (like our piano), and a letter. We talked about musical notes and how they used just part of the alphabet - A through G - and the way that notes with the same letter could be the same and different.

For Choice Time, Turtles could choose between a variety of instruments, working on self portraits, building with blocks and dramatic play. Snack also included a special treat - cupcakes for Max's birthday! The Turtles also practiced writing their names in a variety of colors on the Smartboard - they enjoyed the novelty and space this new writing surface offered, as well as the ability to use the eraser to repeat or improve their letters.

Finally, the temperature warmed up, and we got to go outside. The Turtles were overjoyed to be out in the snow together. Friends transported snow to the sliding board and climber, so that they could sled and skate.

Once inside, Max's mom came to read us a new book, Taking the Moon for a Walk. She also brought in her violin to show and play for us. The Turtles all got to touch it and she demonstrated how to rosin the bow and play longer and shorter notes.

She promised to bring her violin back next week so that the Turtles each could play it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Movement, Music and More

The building in the Turtle Room has continued to be phenominal! Today an elaborate negotiation took place between a cohort who wanted to play with the box train and a cohort who wanted to build a boat. In the end, a compromise was reached, with the train being made smaller to make room for the boat. Soon, both teams were working together to build the boat. This play continues to amaze the teachers in the ways that many different children work together. Some lead the play with lively dialogue. Others follow along, equiping themselves with props and picking up the themes of the play.

We also introduced a new table game, pattern blocks. Using a magnetic grid board, the children can create pictures and patterns. Manipulating the shapes builds spatial understanding, not to mention the imagination. They made everything from "parties," to "flamingoes," to "water-proof monkeys."

At Morning Meeting, Tamara shared a new instrument, a Woodstock Chime based on the pentatonic scale. The notes are arranged in such a way that any combination sounds beautiful. At Choice Time, the children had a chance to experiment with the chimes.

Children also continued working on their Self Portraits. The conversations around this work have been amazing as they deeply examine the colors and shapes of their faces.
Movement with Missy was very active with lots of Hokey Pokey, Follow the Leader, stretching, Twister and even soccer! The coordination is increasing every week  as they work on kicking and dribbling the ball!