Friday, January 28, 2011

A Small Busy Day

The Turtles came in and got busy, making up for lost time. A boat was quickly constructed, maps were drawn, puzzles put together and trains set to tracks. Friends were happy to see each other and excited about the snow.

At Morning Meeting, Paul read a story about counting and the Turtles predicted what was coming next. Then, friends talked about the things that were different in our class today - noting who wasn't here today and how much later we had started. We shared some about our snow day, and then made plans about what we would build outside today.

At Choice Time, the Turtles  did a short round of some of their favorite activities  - piano playing, building and painting. After a quick snack, we began layering up to head outside. The Turtles had so much fun in the snow - building mountains, falling in the snow and, finally, sculpting a Snow Chicken (or Snow Duck, depending on who you asked). We finished off by building our bird a snow nest and filling it with snow eggs.

 Back inside, we read one of our current favorite books - Duck in a Truck - before singing goodbye to our half-day friends and getting ready for lunch and rest.

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