Friday, March 18, 2011

Amazing Alverthorpe!

We had an absolutely delightful and delicious walk to Alverthorpe Park today! We warmed up with a little yoga, and then we were ready to go!
The first thing we saw on our walk was an amazing site! We saw a red tail hawk on the top of a decaying tree. It had caught a snake and was eating it! The Sunflowers were there too, and Nancy said that she had never seen anything like this in her long experience in nature!

Robby's mom Margaret met us at the playground with a delicious snack of fresh berries and pretzels. It was so tasty!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Totally Backwards Day

There were so many things going on this morning, that we decided to declare it "Totally Backward Day." First, we went outside on a stick hunt, to make a new frame for our wire art. Then we had Morning Meeting and told friends about our topsy-turvy schedule.

It was Max's turn to bring in the Treasure Box, and he shared four of his superheroes and villains. While the Turtles got to look at all of them, he called on many of his friends to answer questions about where he got them and why he liked them (mostly because they were "awesome").

Next, we headed outside for snack at the picnic table and some time to swing and ride the bikes.

After some time to run around, Alison appeared on the playground with her guitar and we had music outside!

We sang and danced under the shelter, and then Alison led us around the playground like the Pied Piper, as we sang The Ants Go Marching. 

Back inside, Choice Time began. The Turtles worked on puzzles and wire art, and continued to work on their still lifes. Others packed up and went on a vacation/picnic/photography trip - some as people, some as cats. While we were working, many visitors from the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children came to peek in and see what we were doing here at AFS. They were so impressed with all the artists.

After we cleaned up, Tamara and the Turtles read No David No, as our friends are working on recognizing a variety of words.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wired for Art

The Turtles wire art literally took form today! Using embroidery hoops as a frame, the children twisted, looped and beaded the wire into myriad shapes.
The artists also continued their work with the still life, today adding in the ground which will give the art perspective. In this case, we used a pink scarf as the base, and so we got to mix up the color pink. As we discussed the color mixing at Morning Meeting, one child eagerly volunteered, "you mix white and red!" And that was just what we did!
The weather cleared enough for us to go outside, which was a good thing, because it looked like Paul was trying to excape. The Turtles and Little Frogs worked together to chase him all over the playground, capturing him, only to have him escape again and again!