Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Treasures and a Birthday!

We started the day with a cooking project: brownies, Tamara's favorite! There was lots of measuring and mixing, and observing the changing combinations of ingredients.

The children also worked on building a boat with the big blocks. This soon turned into an airplane, and there was a vast crew of pilots and "co-co pilots." For reasons undetermined, many of the co-co pilots began leaping out of the plane, and a new game commenced.

At Morning Meeting, Noah was the first one to share a treasure from the Treasure Box! First, we all passed it around, and shook it, to see if we could guess what was inside it. Many friends guessed some of the things that they would like to have put in the Treasure Box. Then, Noah got to show us the items he brought in.

Next, we had a birthday celebration for Tamara. When the brownies finally came out (we had been smelling them baking all morning!), we sang Happy Birthday - first in English and then in Spanish (Robby taught us the Spanish version at Morning Meeting).

Before we knew it, it was time for Movement with Missy. Today, we search for the hidden rings, played a variety of game with the parachute, and played with the balls.

We played outside for a bit, and even ran an obstacle course. When we came in we read, The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth from Puerto Rico, which got mostly thumbs up from our crew of literary critics.

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