Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's Our 100th Daily Blog!!!

(Imagine confetti and trumpets here)

Yes, it's our hundredth blog and here we see Paul jumping for joy!

Our morning began with Kailyn using every large block in the room to construct an airplane, and then waiting for her friends to come in and be crew and passengers.

She didn't have long to wait. Soon, many of the Turtles were involved in some very complex dramatic play involving cats and tools and families and clubhouses and restaurants.

At Morning Meeting, we introduced a new art medium - wire. We discussed some of it's qualities and demonstrated how to use different tools to get it to make various shapes. 

Our puppet friends also returned to visit us, and to get some suggestions on how to solve their problems. As the puppets (and the Turtles), continue to develop their relationship skills, the challenges of negotiating different wants and needs become more complicated. Its a big help to all concerned when they can take a look at these challenges from a different perspective and help figure out solutions.

At Choice Time, friends began to explore the wire, and also continued to work on their Still Life paintings. We are using canvas and acrylic paint for this project, which allows the Turtles to continue to work on their paintings over time. 

For most, this is a new approach to art and the opportunity to revisit and re-view their work is allowing them to critique and correct their vision, without judging themselves or becoming frustrated.

Time outside was much enjoyed by all. After some time spent swinging and sliding on the playground, we headed off onto the larger campus to search for signs of spring and continue keeping AFS safe from vampires.

Inside, Tamara and the Turtles together read, No David. Tamara helped the group to sound out the words in the book and friends took great pride in being able to decode the words.

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