Friday, November 5, 2010

Rockets and Rock n' Roll

Choice time was filled today with rocket ships. We're not sure how it happened, but almost all the Turtles were either building or flying or repairing or launching magna-tile rocket ships - and some were even astronauts in the climber-ship. Other things were also going on, like art and drumming, but things kept circling back to rocket ships.
After yoga, we had Morning Meeting, where we continued our sound and rhythm study. Each Turtle got to make up a beat and then everyone worked to play it together. Soon, the Turtle Band will be ready to go on tour!
Outside time was spent in dramatic games - many of which involved making a variety of concoctions using very wet sand. After everyone was good and chilly, we came in for storytime: Pinkalicious and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (this book is a good way for kids to get familiar with their lower case letters, and its a fun read).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Listening Walk

On this rainy day, we donned our boots and rain coats and set out on a Listening Walk. We were going to discover new sounds, this time at the big school. The children crept along quietly, searching for sounds.  When we heard a sound, we would stop, listen and look.
We discovered students working on the scaffolding above the stage, and students practicing their instruments. Then Jason, the Lower School Music teacher, invited us in to hear the 5th graders play their recorders. The Turtles were mesmerized. After that, the Turtles asked about the many instruments in the room, and Jason gave each of us mallets to play percussion with.

After a very wet, puddle-jumping walk back, we peeled off our wet clothes and boots and enjoyed some of our favorite stories.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Leaves Abound

 Today was a leaf-ilicious day! We took a walk in the cemetery with our friends from the Chipmunk Room and enjoyed frolicking in the huge drifts of fall leaves of all shapes and colors.
We also continued to enjoy the easel at Choice Time. Miranda sang us a song:
"When you mix blue and yellow it makes green!"

At Morning Meeting the children helped the teachers tell another Sound Story, using our bodies to make the sound effects for the story, Slider the Turtle encountered David the Duck and they had many adventures.

Studio work continued with The Story of Black and White, which turns into the Story of Many Kinds of Grays... The Turtles are becoming very sophisticated in their use of artistic language to describe their process.