Robby: I love the getting candy. We walked in everyone's houses in Jenkintown and we got their candy.
Julian: Yesterday night, I was Spiderman and then I got chocolate and gumdrops and candy.
Naomi: I drived to Miles and Ellis's house. And then when I was first playing, Ellis fell, and then he was in his room crying and Daddy got him an icepack. There was spooky place, and then a pumpkin cropped a witch down.
Katie: Me and my brother went on Halloween with my mommy and daddy and my doggie. And they made a show up and they got fairy costumes.
Maggie: I was dressed up as Tinkerbell, and I carved my pumpkins and I got lots of candy and I had Tinkerbell on my dress. And I got Hershey but it was small and a chocolate kiss.
Kailyn: My mommy got me a new costume and he brought me one time. It was Super Girl. My sister was something. He was a vampire. And I got lots of candy, and still yummy yummy ones. There was rainbow lollipops.
Max: I was going trick-or-treating and I got lots of Hershey's and kisses and snickers. I got M & M's They had a little bit of S's on them.
George Katherine: I put on my fairy costume then I went to the house and someone opened the door and got me candy in my basket. Then we went to the second house and someone opened the door and dropped candy in my basket. And the we went to some more houses and then we went home.
David: I got a rectangle chocolate and I took a bite and it was so good. I found a ___ and I said that I should give it to Beverly and then I saw something else that I shouldn't eat. And then that's all the stuff. Then I said, "We should give it to Beverly." Then we walked out. She grabbed the round chocolate and she put it in her pumpkin, then we went back into the elevator and I pressed green. Then we went up and Then I had a lot of energy and I went zooom! zooom!
We also played balloons in Movement Class with Missy.
Miranda: I went trick or treating with my sister. And I got candy from my neighbor Elise. She had yummy candy. And I got candy from other people's houses. and my neighbors houses. And I weared this dress for Halloween. This is my Marina dress. And I got some candy from some houses and after we went trick or treating, I had some candy for dessert at home.
Sarah Lynne: I was Sleeping Beauty and I got lots of candy and we go to the grocery store and to my Gaga's house. and for back and go back. I go back two times.
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