Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Fever, Spring Cleaning and Paint

After yesterday's rain, the Turtles were eager to be out in the sunshine! We began our day by bringing the waffle blocks back outside to share with the other classes. "Can we play?" they queried the teacher. And how could she say no, with the sun shining and the blue sky peaking through the clouds? After a little while outside, we returned to the classroom for Morning Meeting. The children had wanted to see more pictures of Tamara's dad, and so she brought some in to share. The Turtles also explained to Tamara the seeds that they had put in wet paper towels to see if they would grow. One seed looked like it had started to sprout!
The children have also begun work on our Art Show Masterpieces! Using real artists tools like canvas boards, pencils and erasers for sketching, and acrylic paints, the Turtles are working on a still life!
Then it was time for more outdoor exploration! There was a "rock store," some biking and swinging, and lots of hide and seek on this glorious spring day!

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