Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Art Happens

Everywhere today was art. The Turtles came in ready to create and we nearly ran out of space for all the projects to happen - even before Choice Time. Friends were busy drawing, tracing, cutting and pasting and then decorating the room with their creations.

At Morning Meeting, we practiced using our "mind's eyes," and going to a place that makes us feel peaceful. Then, the Turtles shared their ideas about what makes a place peaceful for them - many describing not so much a place as the people who were there with them.

Next, we continued our Art exploration by looking at a variety of paper shapes and what we could make out of them. The Turtles have begun to notice that many of the things they draw are composed not only of lines and colors, but also collections of shapes.  We practiced using a variety of paper shapes to make houses trees and animals. The Turtles continued to work on this at Choice Time.

Outside time saw the re-emergence of our superheroes - eager to save anyone from anything! In the midst of all this heroism, there were also cakes being baked and parties being hosted. The entire playground was abuzz with dramatic play.

Inside, Naomi read a story to her friends, and then we read a book entitled, If You Were An Ant. The Turtles had many questions about the life of an ant, and were amazed at how much they can do. This book got mostly thumbs up.

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