Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tamara's Back!

Tamara came back today! She got so many hugs and well wishes from the Turtles! At Morning Meeting, we had a beautiful discussion about Tamara's dad. She showed them pictures of him when he was a young man and Tamara was little, and when he was an old man, and the Turtles had lots of questions.
At Morning Meeting, we also made a picture of a peaceful place in our mind's eye. The children had all different kinds of ideas about peaceful places: Giggleberry Fair, with mommies or daddies, here at school, and at the the beach. At Choice Time, we used cut-out shapes to collage images of peaceful things, including "my mommy cause she is warm," and "the swimming pool with water that is blue." It is wonderful to see and hear the myriad ways that the children are connecting with the idea of peace.
The rest of the morning was filled with puzzles, dramatic play, reading books (including Remi Charlip's Fortunately), cleaning the guinea pigs cage, drawing pictures, and playing the keyboard.

1 comment:

  1. Tamara, Best wishes to you. We have you and your family in our hearts. xo
