Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

The Turtles were incredibly busy this morning.  After a brief Free Play time, we bundled up and headed outside. We stopped to visit our favorite trees, and to check for signs of Spring (but not for too long, because the temperature was decidedly NOT Spring-like).

We arrived at Lori's music room to find the 5th graders just unpacking their string instruments, and excited that the Turtles were coming to hear them play. Lori told us they would need a few minutes to tune up, so we toured around the school to look at the art and projects on the wall. We also stopped at the auditorium to check out the new stage set.

The Turtles liked the backdrop of painted trees, but thought that the play poster looked scary. We talked about what made it look ominous and what they thought the story might be about, based on the picture.

On returning to the Music Room, the 5th graders were ready for us. They played the lowest note on the cello, and the highest note on the violin.

Lori showed us all the parts of the violin, and told us their names. Then she taught us a song to teach us the names of each of the strings. Next, she played us some songs that we recognized and then the 5th graders played several new songs. We gave them an enthusiastic round of applause.

Then Lori had the Turtles line up and everyone got to play the violin! We thanked our hosts and made plans to return to learn more about music.

On our way back, we stopped at the Puddle Tree and the Turtles got to jump out and scare their teachers (a favorite Puddle Tree activity).

At Morning Meeting, we talked about our experience in the Music Room. Then, Carol shared some sad news with the Turtles. She told them that Tamara's dad had been quite sick and that he had died. The Turtles had a lot to say. Some friends shared that they had grandparents who had died. Others thought about Tamara having no dad, and imagined that she must feel very sad. There was also some discussion about the possibility of her getting a new dad, and the different ways she might do that. We decided to make her a card, and discussed what it should say. We continued talking over snack.

Next came Movement class with Missy. We did scarf dancing and played with a giant colorful piece of elastic. We also played "Seek," and had to find a bunch of colored rings that were hidden around the room. After a rousing game of Dodge-All, we stretched our muscles, got our stamps and headed out.

We had a short Choice Time and many of the Turtles became firefighters. Lots of things around the room erupted spontaneously into flame and required repeated rescues.

Our story today was called, Sometimes I Want to be Alone, and it spurred a discussion about the things Turtles like to do when they are by themselves. Before we knew it, it was time to sing good-bye to our half-day friends and have lunch.

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