Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Deeply Engaging Choice Time

Today we had an extended indoor Choice Time, and the depth and breadth of the children's engagement was amazing to witness! Cooperative, imagintive play unfolded in every corner of the room. At the Art Table, children continued to deepen their exploration of water colors, using the water-napkin-color-paint! sequence to keep the colors clear and bright. We even made up a little chant to help us remember the order.
There was also a race happening. A couple of children set up the long carboard tube to race cars. Nearby, other children declared that they had tickets for the race, brought a picnic and watched the car races.
At Morning Meeting, we took the children on a Bear Hunt, and this time, the children chanted each line back, making the hand gestures that went along with the story.
 After a delicious snack of cheddar and apples, we divided into small groups. The groups took turns playing on the playground and giving the guinea pigs their first ever bath.

1 comment:

  1. Naomi was very excited about giving the guinea pigs their bath. She told me that she used shampoo all over their bodies, but not their face. She has really grown to love the guinea pigs. We hear about them each day after school!
