Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Signs of Spring

It was quiet in Turtleland this morning, as friends built new kinds of structures, told stories, made art and even played cats and dogs in hushed tones. It was an unusual approach to play for the generally rambunctious Turtles, but no less fun was being had.

Before Morning Meeting, we ventured through the building on a hunt for the color blue and the letter B. We found lots of signs, words and names with the letter in them and lots of blue - our best find was a "Blue Burglar Alarm Button."

At Morning Meeting, we balanced tiny imaginary marbles on our fingertips - throwing them high in the air and catching them. We finished up by balancing them on our noses, then tossing them into our mouths and imagining what delicious flavor they were.  We used our "mind's eye" (or mind's tongue) to imagine our flavors during our moment of silence. 

We also got to look at the giant canvas we will be using for the art show. We read The Peace Book, again and then discussed the things that make each of us feel peaceful. We will be using our feelings about peace to make our large canvas.

Kailyn, Julian and Naomi each brought in something to show the class, so they took to the Storyteller's Stool to share with their friends and answer questions. At Choice Time, the Turtles were busy making music and art. Some friends gathered to play the drums, while others used the ever-popular keyboard.

The Turtles also decided to make a Welcome Back Sign for Tamara, who everybody is missing. (Tamara's jury has entered into deliberations, so we are hoping that she will return to us soon.)

Outside, the Turtles enjoyed the sunshine, as they made full use of the entire playground. It is so nice to go outside without snow pants! (Note: Tomorrow we are planning a walk to Alverthorpe, so please make sure kids are dressed for tromping through the woods).

Back inside, we began preparation for doing some Spring planting. We talked about the seed pod we'd found on our last hike, and then read a book about seeds. At lunch, kids found a variety of seeds in their food!

1 comment:

  1. Katie spent some time yesterday showing me the tiny seeds in her banana. I love connecting our conversations at home with what she is doing with her friends in school.
