Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Spring Sign

What a glorious spring day for Tamara's return! Jury duty completed, Tamara came back to the many hugs and "I missed you's" of the Turtles, and loved the sign that they had made for her! At Morning Meeting, Tamara explained jury duty to the children as a gigantic peace table with people who need help solving a problem so big it takes five days to talk about! Their eyes got big as they contemplated such a problem.
After a short Choice Time, we set out on a walk to the Abington Art Center to see if the wall was finished. Indeed, it was much further along, but not yet done. We will check on it again soon! Carol suggested that we look for signs of spring, and Matthew excitedly pointed to a construction sign just ahead of us, "I see one!" the children ran over to read the sign to see if it was actually a sign of spring. It said "Slow," which they found to be a fine sign of spring. We also saw robins, and clumps of onion grass, and little tiny green shoots.
We then went for a romp through the woods, which included a stone castle, giant tree faces, collecting treasures, and  a green house. We found a row of bushes that were not brown. Some were red and some were green, and in fact, there was a pattern in the planting, red-green-red-green, which the children gleefully counted out as they hopped from bush to bush.

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