Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mountains and Markers

The day began with a scientific exploration. The Turtles found a variety of seed pods on their adventure yesterday, and we examined them using magnifying glasses, looking them up in our books and online, and by taking the pods apart. Friends used their scientific eyes to sketch what they saw.

The Turtles also got in some new supplies - brand new markers and sandbox toys. So there were many friends making art and mountains in the sandbox.

Tamara read Llama Llama Mad at Mama, and the Turtles practiced making their own mad faces. Then we joined the Little Frogs for music in the John Barnes room. We played Freeze Dance, where everyone dances until the music stops and then has to jump into an "island," (a hula hoop). We did some yoga together and the classes shared some of their favorite songs with one another.

We had some outside time, and then came in to plant a couple of seeds on moist paper towels. Our research indicates that these are tree seeds - possibly Kentucky Coffee Tree seed, so we will see what happen. Katie also found seeds in her orange, which the Turtles decided to try and get to grow.

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