Friday, May 6, 2011

Hanging Out with the Big Kids

 Today we had a guest Turtle in our class! GK's dad Chris came to play and read us stories to help us celebrate GK's birthday! Chris read us two books, with LOTS of help from GK.

 Matthew also shared with us the news of his upcoming trip. He is leaving today to fly on an airplane to visit his cousins in California!

Then we set out for the day's adventure over to the Lower School playground. First we stopped to check out our mud. It looks like the water and the mud are separating, which is perfect for brick making!

 On the way to the big playground, we encountered a problem! Some Turtles were getting very upset when they were not the first ones to get to the bush, tree, or rock pile. It made them so sad, that we decided to stop and have a meeting about it.

Luckily, we were on the big kid playground, so we asked a couple of big kids to help us think about the problem. They had some ideas about how to create a rotation schedule so that it would be fair. This is a problem that we will keep on thinking about together.

 Once we got to the big playground, we had soooo much fun climbing, running, biking, swinging, and playing with the big kids!

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