Monday, May 9, 2011

Inside-Outside Day!

Today we had our first Inside-Outside Day! Inspired by Carol's attendance of the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children Conference this weekend, Inside-Outside Day was an experiment to see what it would be like to have Choice Time with choices both inside and outside! Leaving the back door open, with one teacher inside and one teacher outside, the children could choose where they wanted to work and play!
Inside, popular choices were telling Turtle Stories for Tamara to type, and of course, snack.

Outside there were many choices, including magna tiles, baby dolls in the tent, and reading books.

We also had Movement with Missy, jumping through obstacle courses, learning how to play dodge ball, and playing follow the leader.

It was also Sarah Lynne's Treasure Box Day, and she shared her many treasures, including special rocks that she brought to share with her friends.

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