Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Singing and Dancing and Waterfalls and Kittens

Today was Carol's Treasure Box day, and boy did she bring in two treasures! It all started when Tamara noticed that both Carol and her treasure box were missing! The Turtles quietly crept up the hall looking for her. Finally they found her in Debbie's office! She had the Treasure Box on her lap, and this video shows what happened when she opened the box! The Turtles who wanted to (and the ones who didn't have allergies) had a chance to pet them. The Turtles and the kittens were soooo happy!

We also had Music with Allison today! She sang lots of sily songs and we got to sing dance along with her. She also sang "Happy Birthday" because today is Katie's birthday!
Katie's mom read us two books and shared cupcakes with us! We ate the cupcakes outside and then frolicked in the grass.

We also had Inside Outside Day today, and in addition to drawing and Oobleck, we decided to water the garden. Watering the garden soon turned into an exploration of fluid dynamics as the Turtles noticed that when they spilled their water on the patio, it ran down the incline.
They experimented by pouring many many buckets of water down the patio, watching the splashing rivulets trickle and run across the brick, turning it bright red and washing stick and sand along with the water.
Soon, Tamara asked, "Where is the water going?" And the Turtles set off to see where the water was. They found a puddle at the bottom of the steps, and then discovered that the water was going even further, making its way slowly through the wood chips!
It is amazing to see the deep and scientific (not to mention joyful!) exploration the Turtles are doing inside and outside!

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