Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So Much To Do...

After a bit of busy building first thing, the Turtles got ready for Morning Meeting. We read a new book,  The Recess Queen, and talked about the problems in the story.

Next, our elephant friend came to visit us again, to help us decide about who should be the main characters in our digital storybook.

He tried to use the "One Boss" method, but the Turtles weren't happy with that, so we decided to try the voting method, and each of the Turtles put their name above the character they wanted. Since we've narrowed it down, tomorrow we are going to try making our final choice through consensus.

At Choice Time, the Turtles were very happy to play with the Tube Racer again, and found some new methods to construct it and a finish line. We also added colors to all the keys on the keyboard, and friends were interested in figuring out how to play some familiar songs.

We went for a walk to the Lower School, and managed to find a few mud puddles on the way. We were off to return the cameras to Kathy's Kindergarten class, but we got distracted by many interesting people and sites along the way.

We saw butterflies in the Pre-K room,

family members in the hallways, art all over the place, and

a Luna moth in the Raj's Kindergarten! It seemed everywhere that we went, there were things to see and people to talk to. We barely made it back in time for our goodbye song!

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