Monday, May 2, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

At Morning Meeting, some animals came to visit and discuss an important word: DECIDE. Many of the Turtles had an idea about what the word meant, and then our animal friends showed them that there were different ways to make decisions. 

The animals used each method to try and figure out what color to make their new building. Each method worked, but the animals felt different ways about the decisions. When we got to consensus, the Turtles jumped in with creative suggestions and we realized that, when you listen to everybody's ideas, sometimes you come up with new solutions!

It was Naomi's turn to share the Treasure Box, and she enjoyed talking about the items she had selected from home, and answering her friends questions.

While outside, we found that the straw bale had come apart, so the Turtles used it to build a straw house. Of course, this immediately turned in to a re-enactment of The Three Little Pigs, and the Turtles took turns playing the parts of the pigs and the wolves and running from house to house.

At Movement Class, we had another rousing game of kickball. Now that the Turtles understand the rules, they really enjoy playing as a team.

We also used the hula hoops and went through an obstacle course where the Turtles had to leap and hop.

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