Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mud Day!

Well, today was Mud Day, and it couldn't have been any more perfect. We started by getting out the pool and filling it with our buckets of dried clay dirt that Carol had collected with the Turtles early in the spring.

Next, we went up to the hose and filled up buckets, big and small, with water. We brought the water back and added it to the dirt, and voila! We had mud!

We began mixing it with our hands, and soon discovered that the mud was to wet to make bricks with, so we went in search of more clay dirt and brought a few more buckets back to mix in. 

Mixing the mud and water together was so much fun! And we got so dirty, so we set off down to the creek to wash off.

Washing off was almost as fun as getting dirty, as Carol and Tamara hosed off all of the Turtles.

When we got back inside, we read, Yertle the Turtle, which is a story about someone who is the "one boss," and makes decisions for everybody without listening to them. He also ends up in the mud, so we had many tie-ins to discuss, and most Turtles gave it 2 thumbs up. We also read another Charlie and Lola book, I Am Absolutely Too Small To Go To School - the Turtles really enjoy these two characters.


  1. Thank you for allowing them to play in mud because I find it to be too much of a chore. Can I send all my kids to you next time?? Love the photos :-)

  2. Great video -- Noah loved watching it!
