Friday, November 19, 2010

A Wonderful School Community

What a busy day! Today was a day where we truly took advantage of the benefits of being in a larger school community! During Choice Time, we had a Seventh Grade Helper, Jade, play with us. She was so sweet: drawing, holding hands, and singing along with our crazy silly songs. Other Choice Time activities included finger painting, building, and making up adventures games to classical music.
Then JoJo, a teacher from the Caterpillar Room came to read us a story. She read Jan Brett's The Mitten. It was one of Robby's favorite stories so he had to try hard not to tell his friends what happened! Then JoJo had a game for us to play where we acted out the story, putting giant pictures of the animals into a giant mitten. Bringing the story to life in new and different ways is a great way to build literacy and story telling skills.
After playing on the playground for a little while, we set off on an adventure, this time, to the Lower School Library, where Gwen the Librarian had set aside some books for the Turtles. The Turtle teachers are always looking for good story books featuring diverse characters, and Gwen helped us find some new ones. (Do any families have favorite story books featuring diverse characters? Let us know in the comments!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the desire to include captions with all those bottles... The kids loved experimenting with sound!
