Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quakers and Compost

Today was Visiting Quakers Day, the day when members of Abington Meeting visit the school to observe classes, read stories and come to Meeting for Worship. Loretta Fox, a Meeting member (and Meeting Admin Assistant) visited our classroom. We have a lovely (and prolonged) Moment of Silence, and then Loretta talked about of our Moment of Silence is a little bit like Meeting for Worship. She also said that during Meeting for Worship, people often think about what is important to them, and asked the children what was important to them. The answers ranged from "my family," to "Slider!" We ended Morning Meeting singing our song about Peace for Loretta:
"What a goodly thing
If the children of the world
Could dwell together
In peace."
Choice Time was filled with more artistic endeavors as the children continued to decorate the climber and work with markers and at the easel. Carol and Tamara continue to be amazed at the ways the children are expressing themselves through art!
On the playground, we worked on collecting leaves for our compost pile. Compost piles need a mixture of greens (like food scraps) and browns (like leaves), and so the children worked hard to collect lots and lots of leaves!

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