Monday, November 15, 2010

A Little Teacher-Talk (and a whole lotta fun!)

 Choice Time continues to be rich with creativity and learning. Each week the teachers plan what activities to offer during Choice Time, carefully thinking about the different developmental domains (math, science, language, literacy, physical, arts, and social) and how to extend their learning. Working at the easel (a very popular choice this morning) builds the torso, shoulder, arm, and wrist muscles, as well as allowing for exploration of color, texture, and form. Building with big blocks (today the train was stuck in the mud!) also develops the children's upper body strength, spatial relationship skills, and social skills as they negotiate their ideas and share play themes.
At Morning Meeting, we did another whole-class story, with the animals from Friday making their appearance again today as they all went to the meadow to play.
During Movement with Missy, the Turtles are amazing at listening to the directions in the music and following along by dancing, skipping, jumping, or crawling. We played bean bag games, first passing it around the circle fast and then slowly, and then playing catch with a partner. And perhaps the most exciting was the Obstacle Course that Missy set up - which included a spring board!!

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