Friday, November 12, 2010

Fun on Friday

Choice Time today was filled with fun. Some Turtles sculpted with playdoh, while others drove planes, trains and automobiles. Noah brought in a book on how to make pictures with thumbprints, and many friends made multicolored print pictures and put them in their art frames. Turtles also practiced their cutting and beading with letters, while an imaginary game of Bear Hunt took up much of the room.
At Morning Meeting, we sang songs and then got together to make up another story with sound effects - each Turtle played a character in today's tale of bears and monkeys (a butterfly, a dragonfly, an elephant, a giraffe and David the Duck) - all searching for some juice to drink. Perhaps your child can tell you about their role.
After snack, we headed outside for some playground time and then went on a walk to find (and throw) some crunchy leaves. We picked a good tree and read our story outside - The Wide Mouthed Frog. On our way back, we learned a new call and response song (The Other Day, I Met a Bear), that we all enjoyed. We sang goodbye to our half-day friends and then decided to try a new table arrangement for lunch. It was nice to be able to see and talk with everyone while we ate, and we liked having the triangle shape in the middle. We discussed weekend plans and hopes over our meal together.

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