Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Artists and Architects Day Two!

We finished our small group work on the Story of Black and White. Asking the children, "What happens when black meets white?" they explored the light and dark grays. "I'm an artist," Max declared.

At Morning Meeting, we looked at the xylophone keys. We noticed how there were big, medium, and small rectangles, and how the different sizes made different sounds. Then Tamara played a simple song, Mary Had a Little Lamb, on the three notes. The children are beginning to play with ideas of melody, and we will be bringing in more percussion instruments that we can play melodies on.
At  Choice Time, the children continued their amazing collaborative work on Thomas the Tank Engine.  Yesterday, they had been working in a constricted area that soon became over crowded. Today, we moved the blocks to the big oval rug, and they were able to build wider, more stable structures. We reconvened the Safety Committee to review our work, and we decided that the new building was much safer! The hard hats helped too!
Max's mom Ann read us a wonderful story today. It was call Dahlia by Barbara McClintog.

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