Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Artists and Architects

 Turtles were very active during Choice Time today. Many of our young artists were busy in the studio - painting at the easel as well as using watercolors. The easels are producing big, bold works of art where students are experimenting with large strokes, blocks of color and color mixing. With the watercolors, the Turtles continue to focus on being "the bosses of their brushes," creating a variety of lines and shapes and keeping their colors clean and bright.
In addition to the artwork being done, many of the Turtles returned to a large scale (and large group) construction project. Here, the children utilized both large and small blocks to create a big train that required a great deal of hammering and continuous redesign.
At Morning Meeting, we attended to some Turtle business. First, we began a discussion about how to insure that our construction site was safe. Friends had a variety of ideas, which included limiting the height, expanding the space available and some kind of whistle warning system. We agreed to meet again tomorrow to make final decisions. Next, Davie took to the Storyteller's Stool to answer questions about her new purple cast. After snack outside (where many Cheerios blew away), we formed a "Sound Train," where every Turtle got a chance to be the Sound Engineer. Then, we went on an adventure to the Lower School playground. There, the Turtle Construction Crew found more blocks and began to build additions to the playhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Turtles!

    It was great seeing all of you through the windows on the Lower School Playground! Everyone was having so much fun! You are all incredible builders. I am so curious to know even more about your Sound Train. Next time I pass by your room, I hope to hear all about it!
