Monday, November 8, 2010

Big Buildings, Letters and Leaves

Choice Time was filled with exploration and creation. Many of the Turtles joined the construction crew to put together a giant, complex structure (which caught "on fire" numerous time and necessitated calling in the firefighters). Other children worked with letter beads to form their names, did puzzles and painted at the easels.
During Movement class, Missy had the Turtles balancing bean bags all over their bodies. We also went on a Bear Hunt and then played with one of our favorites - balloons and noodles.
Dave (the Abington Meeting Caretaker) gave us some exciting news during Movement class - he had made us a giant leaf pile! The Turtles had a blast, running, jumping and hiding in the leaves.

1 comment:

  1. There is absolutely nothing more fun on a wonderful fall day than a giant leaf pile! It was so nice of Dave to do that. I am certain that all of the Turtles thoroughly enjoyed their autumn leaf adventure. I am inspired to jump in one myself!
