Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Parachute Walk!

The Turtles are fascinated by letters, and the teachers have been finding myriad ways to support and build on this interest. Today at Choice Time, Carol worked with several different children to use the letter stamps to make their names. She wrote their names in capital letters across the top of the page, and each child then found and stamped out their names.
The children have also been engaging in amazing group building projects, and today, those projects were building boats and decorating the climber.
At Morning Meeting, we decided on our baking project for Thursday (banana bread) and sang a new song, "The Little Red Caboose." We started out singing it slowly, and got faster and louder each time!
Then we set out for our Parachute Adventure! We started out playing some parachute games, and then used the parachute as a giant tarp to walk in the rain.

We went over to the Muller Auditorium where we sang the "I Saw A Bear" song, and told a Round Robin Story with all the the animals from the class (bears, dragon flies, ducks, and butterflies!)

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