Monday, November 22, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

The Turtles were revved up and ready to go this morning. They began construction projects almost immediately - a long block path that reportedly had something to do with vampires (we never did get to the bottom of this), and several very fancy magnatile buildings.

At Morning Meeting, we continued our exploration of sound, using glass bottles as woodwind instruments. The bottles were filled with differing levels of water, and the Turtles found it very challenging to try and get noise out of them by blowing across them. Hence, we turned them into percussion instruments, tapping on them with metal utensils, then pouring a little water off and checking how the sound had changed. Then, the Turtles decided to use their instruments to sing a few songs - Jingle Bells, Little Red Caboose and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
We took our snack outside, as it was extra special today. First, we sang a Happy Birthday to Kailyn and ate mini cupcakes PLUS we had cookies made and brought in by Sarah Lynne and her mom. After this snack, we were glad it was time for Movement class!

At Movement Class with Missy, we did stretching, running and then one of our favorite - the obstacle course. Next, we practiced tossing and catching with the beanbags and then throwing them into a target.
We had some time out on the playground, where we had a pretend campfire/marshmallow roast and told stories around the fire, before singing goodbye to our half-day friends. Many Turtles continued making up and telling stories over lunch.

1 comment:

  1. This is where I want to include captions for all the bottles... Looks like fun!
