Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We Got Good Seats to the Concert!

Another busy Choice Time this morning, with friends building, beading, painting, drawing, writing and conducting new sound experiments. New kinds and shapes of construction are developing, as the Turtles figure new ways to configure the blocks. Others played music with bottles, engaging in scientific exploration as they varied the amount of water in each. Beading was another popular activity where the Turtles demonstrated their growing fine motor skills. Our young artists also created some new paintings and worked on writing their names.
We had our Morning Meeting around the snack table, as we did not want to be late for a very important date. Peter Moses came to perform for all of the Early Childhood classes over in the Meetinghouse. All of the children (and adults), were enthralled as Peter sang, played guitar, danced his wooden puppet, and played the trumpet. The kids played instruments, danced and laughed.

Playground time saw more construction as the Turtles worked with the interconnecting blocks to build some more new structures, and we went to bring another load of rocks for the playground.
When we came inside, the Turtles heard Tugga Tugga Tugboat and then got to work with the Smartboard, as they touched pictures of a variety of musical instruments and heard them play. Max's mom read us the book, Toy Boat, before we sang goodbye to our half day friends.

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