Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off to the Woods We Go!

It was a magical wonderful day in Turtleland. During a brief and busy Choice Time, friends engaged with letters using several alphabet puzzles and sand writing and also joined for a favorite group activity - drumming.
Then it was time for our outdoor adventure. We "buddied up" and headed over to Abington Art Center, went through the "Magic Gate" and into Alvelthorpe Park! We went over, under, around and through. Looked at leaves and sticks and rocks and "pieces of old road." We made up a new song, "Don't Run Your Buddy into a Tree," and made up new verses while we snacked by the pond.
We spent some very fun time at the playground there, where many friends went on extensive, imaginary train rides to New York City, The Zoo and The Bug House.

On our way back, we took a rest by the pond and Carol told the story of, "Shiney Pete," the fish who wanted to fly and his friend, "David Duck," who helped him do it (have your child tell you how).
Many of our friends had sticks from our journey and discovered some wonderful new percussion sounds - our favorite one being the rat-a-tat-tat of our sticks on the fence! On our way back through the Abington Art Center, we found new places to explore - a house to play in and hills to climb and run/roll down (this may explain the condition of some of the Turtles' clothes). We also saw people setting up the stage for a show tonight. It is the opening of the Art Trail, and there will be a free concert with Rich Nourie's band!
All in all, it was a great adventure!

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