Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cozy Art on a Rainy Day

The Turtles' artistic juices were flowing on this rainy Tuesday. At Morning Meeting, Tamara told the Story of the Art Area. After our Moment of Silence, we moved our meeting to the Art Area, and the children sat with rapt attention as Tamara began, "Once upon a time..." She talked about a beautiful art area, with everything in its place, and beautiful supplies that made the children artists excited about making beautiful art. But then there was a problem! Someone dropped a marker on the floor, and didn't put the lid on it and it dried out! And problems like this went on at length, until one of the Turtles said, "They have to clean up!" And Tamara nodded and that is how the story of the Art Area ended happily. Well, with this introduction, the children were eager to get to work!
After Morning Meeting, the children could choose snack or art, and the Art Table blossomed into a whirl of water coloring! The children are working on becoming the masters of their brushes, keeping the point of the brush together to make clean lines. They are also working on the water color sequence: dip in the water, blot on the napkin, dip it in the color, and paint it on the paper (or water-napkin-color-paper). Doing this sequence every time helps keep the colors clean and bright, and their work today was a beautiful example of how intentional instruction on technique, followed by open-ended exploration leads to wonderful artistic expression!
Other highlights of the day included snack harvested from our garden (tomatoes, soy beans, grean beans, and peas) and Max's mom, Ann reading us two books: Goodnight Goon by Michael Rex and Only A Witch Can Fly by Alison McGhee.

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