Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Turtles Abroad!

The sun was shining this morning, and it inspired wanderlust in the Turtles after being cooped up for two days inside. And so we went on an adventure! Without even cleaning our room, we donned coats and boots, and set out. We had a peaceful snack on the porch of the Meetinghouse before continuing on to races in the cemetery. We then snuck through the Big School, quiet as can be, and finally emerged onto the Lower School playground.
The Pre-K classes were out there, and it was so much fun to see some of our old friends! The children also loved pushing their physical prowess on some of the more challenging equipment like the sandbox digger, twirly sliding board, climbing nets, and monkey bars.

Back in the classroom, we read a class favorite, Hug by Jez Arbourough.
It was  great day, and the Turtle teachers are planning an even bigger adventure for tomorrow: Alverthorp Park!

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