Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday's Adventures

The Turtles were busy today, starting with some explorations of the very long tunnel that Carol brought in. It turned out to be a perfect car tunnel, and the children spent much of choice time, sending cars rolling down the incline.
Today we also welcomed a new Turtle! Julian joined our class, and many childen were excited to reconnect with their old friend from the Little Frogs Room. At snack time, the Turtles took turns telling Julian things that they liked about the Turtle Room, and at our End-of-Morning Meeting, Julian chose his favorite book and "read" it to his friends with only a little help from his teachers.
Missy had a delightful obstacle course set up for us, including a pop-up school bus, tent, and fire truck. We also used "noodles" to dance, stretch and play "Hurry Hurry, Drive the Fire Truck."
On the playground, we harvested vegetables from the garden! We had a couple red tomatoes, several green tomatoes, soy beans, green beans, and sugar snap peas. Tomorrow we will cook them up for snack!


  1. What wonderful adventures the Turtles are having! I am enjoying reading about everything that you are doing each and every day! Thank you for sharing such inspiration and joy with all of us. We all appreciate your efforts so very much!

  2. I love the new blog, especially all the pictures. "Where the Wild Things Are" is one of my favorite books too!
