Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spiderwebs and Drumsticks

The Turtles were very happy to see one another this morning. Luna and Nellie were also happy to see us, as their cage had gotten a little smelly over the long weekend. So some friends helped clean up the guinea pigs home, while others built and worked with the alphabet puzzle. Then, everyone decided to get some string and the Turtles became the Spiders and constructed a giant web in the climber!
At Morning Meeting, Tamara told the Story of Music and of some special kids who go on adventures with percussion sticks and make music wherever they can find it. We did some clapping rhythms and then headed out to find sticks and things to drum upon.
We made music all over campus. We drummed on rocks and trees and pipes and walls and bleachers and fences! We noticed the differences that big sticks made and little sticks made and wet sticks and dry sticks and soft and hard and fast and slow.
We also spent some time visiting our favorite trees and noticed some ways that they've changed over the past week.
Then, we went to the tennis courts and played some games of "Red Light, Green Light," and "The Fox and the Chickens." A couple of Turtles got boo-boos, and we had a delightful conversation about all the things that you can do to help make a friend feel better. The Turtles have really started to bond as a group, and it's a wonderful thing to watch their friendships grow.
When we returned from our adventure, we found a surprise waiting outside our classroom: Our New Morning Meeting Rug! We have been waiting for our rug since the beginning of the year and the Turtles were eager to bring it in and roll it out. We gave it a good test and discovered that we can all fit on it, even on our bellies (our other rug was just too small). Then Tamara read part of a book Naomi brought in called, "Frogs," and we sang goodbye to our half-day friends. At lunch, we talked about medicine (yucky or not) and monsters (friendly ones). Tamara sang a storybook, Hush Little Alien, to take us into rest time.

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