Just as we were getting ready for Morning Meeting, Debbie Green came in and asked if we could have the Music classes in our room, because people were using the Meetinghouse. So we gathered up our snacks and headed to the Chipmunk room. At Morning Meeting, we tried out a call and response clapping game, where each Turtle got a chance to make up a rhythym, and all Turtles followed along. After our bananas and bagels, Tamara read an old favorite (No, David! by David Shannon) and we had a few minutes to play in the Chipmunk room (we were surprised to find that they have dry oatmeal in their sandbox!), before it was time to return to our room for music.
Alison was here with her guitar and led us in many of our favorite songs, as well as some dancing.
Next, we got to go out on the playground for a bit. Then, some kids came back inside to start our next Studio Painting project - The Story of Black and White (all of the kids will be working on this over the next week or so). Meanwhile, many of the Turtles outside continued our percussion study - and we were joined in our drumming by many children from other classes.
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