Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Weekend Adventures and Our Week Begins

Every day, Carol and Tamara try and outsmart the Turtles by having them guess, in some tricky way, how many minutes until clean-up. We have tried flashing numbers very quickly and having the Turtles have to add up fingers and written numbers. Today, Tamara had the Turtles subtract written numbers, and we still didn't fool them!

At Morning Meeting, we went around the circle to hear from each Turtle what they did this weekend. Here is what they said:
Kailyn: I do this weekend, I saw the silly bands; they go on your fingers. I got them from my grandpa. That's all.
GK: I don't remember. I ate lunch with the rhymers.
Katie: My mom went to where my birthday is going to be to get my cards that I put in my friends boxes.
Noah: My friend Wawa came from New York. She played with me and she left little things for me, like little pieces of paper and Easter eggs, and that was all.
Max: I went to Giggleberry Fair. And it was fun to climb. And I went to it a few years ago and a couple days. And when it was time to leave, I left.
Maggie: I played with my dolls. I played with the doll house.
Robby: This weekend I went to ski camp. And remember we were also here doing summer camp? It was snowy so we only skiied. We stayed in a line. That's the place called Jackson Hole.
Naomi: I went in my car and I saw Noah in my car.  And then we went to the park and then I got a soft pretzel and then we went home and then my babysitter came and then we went to bed.
Carol: this weekend I went out with a big saw and a big set of pruners and I cut down some big trees in the yard. I felt like a lumber jack.

Then it was time for Robby to share his Treasure Box.

At Choice Time, some of the Turtles worked on stories with Tamara, while others worked on drawing their characters on the Smart Board.

 Friends are enjoying drawing on the Smart Board, because it allows them to undo and rework their pictures until they get them looking a way that satisfies them.

At Movement class, we played t-ball and everyone took turns hitting and running the bases.

Missy also blew bubbles using the fan. The Turtles ran and laughed and popped them.

Outside time was lots of fun, as everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather.

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