Monday, April 18, 2011

Frogs and Dirt and Bugs...A Perfect Friday

Another busy day in Turtleland. Early on, Kailyn gave her teacher frog drawing lessons (in great detail), using her stuffed frog as a model. Then, she and GK both drew beautiful frogs. Then, we all started off doing the many tasks necessary to care for our space and the things living in it - like watering our seedlings and cleaning out the guinea pigs cage. Then, the Turtles decided we should go out and get Luna and Nellie some grass. When we were pulling grass, Sarah Lynne pulled out what looked like some tiny onions. At first, the Turtles thought it was the onion grass, but Tamara told us it wasn't. So, we headed back out with a shovel to find some onion grass to see if it had little onions on it, too.

When we got back inside with our roots and dirt, we realized that there were other creatures that we'd brought in with us! At first, we thought we had a worm, then maybe a caterpillar and then Tamara found  a bug book and now we're thinking it is a beetle larva.

We found other bugs in our dirt clod and decided to make a bug home for them.

At Morning Meeting, Tamara told a story about children having a conflict around including/excluding another child, and the Turtles helped her find solutions for the problem.

We had our snack outside and then began to work on the raised bed for our seedlings.

It was hard work, but the Turtles were eager to drill and dig and put screws in and haul dirt and rocks.

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