Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So Many Ways to Mix It Up

Today we had a delayed opening, and then there was no power! Turtles, however are not daunted but such small obstacles, and we had a delightful, music-filled morning! Our study of music began with percussion has progressed into melody and group music in just wonderful ways! Today, we formed a band with several of of rhythm and melody instruments, including the frame drum, the floor drums, two sets of chimes, bells, and the recorders. Maggie appointed herself the conductor, and we set to play! The children are becoming increasingly aware of how the sounds that they are making go with the sounds of their friends, and will work together to make music (and not just noise). After a while, some children decided to take baby dolls and form the audience. Other children decided to be the dancers and the singers, and our finale was a grand rendition of the ABCs!
At Morning Meeting, we did a round robin story with the children taking on the rolls of various animals and choosing their own adventures all the way to a magical lake.
At Choice Time, we used color pencils to draw a still life of fruit, used the magnetic pattern blocks to make pictures, enjoyed a cupcake snack courtesy of Matthew and his mom, and had a grand march to one of our new favorite songs, "Teaching Peace," by Red Grammar.
By lunch time, the power was back on, and we discussed Groundhog Day at the lunch table.

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