Friday, February 4, 2011

Slip Sliding Away

The Turtles started their day with a very involved game of Caribou. They very much enjoy the challenge of matching shapes, colors, and letters. The prism circle builders continue to be a big hit as well.
During Choice Time, we continued the Smart Board writing. Writing and drawing on the large surface is so exciting for the children, and it builds the postural and hand muscles used in writing. The easel was another popular choice and the children continue to work collaboratively on puzzles.
The snow fields were amazing today as Carol developed a snow chute! They didn't even need a sled, they could just slide down on their snow pants!
Maggie's dad Daniel brought in his baritone! It was so cool to see him play, and the children got to press the buttons to make different notes. He could play piano and forte and he played several songs including "Happy Birthday."

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