Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adventuring Inside and Out

 We started our morning by making banana bread. The children helped measure and stir the ingredients. Tamara showed them the spelt flour that we use because she is allergic to wheat flour. After all the ingredients were mixed, the children hypothesized about what would happen to the batter in the oven. They thought that it would turn dark brown, and "just get harder, and stuff."

The dramatic play boat transformed into a rocket ship that blasted off into outer space, complete with Ground Control giving orders through the "microphone." Once they made it to outspace there was so much to see...
Naomi: Hey guys! I see the moon!
Robby: We're leaving he lights off because we are flying in outer space!
Maggie: I see the sun!
Naomi: Come on! Let's see the moon.
Maggie: I like the outer space because we are not scared.

We also went on outdoor adventures, going into there grove where we were the first ones to make foot prints! Some children even climbed the tall tall mountain!

We also read several books today. At Morning Meeting, Naomi shared a book from home, and later, Max's mom Ann read us a new Library Mouse book. And just before nap, the children gathered around as Paul read an old favorite, Peter and the Wolf. 

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