Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Making Our Marks and Erasing Them

Early morning found the Turtles gradually making it in through the snow and reconnecting after the four day break. There has been active play in the sandbox involving elephant, lion and giraffe families, with all the drama of Wild Kingdom.

Some friends from the Sunflower room came down to spend the morning, and were quickly caught up  in dramatic play involving villains, capes, gloves and the clubhouse.

At Morning Meeting, we sang "My Name is Joe," and then Carol introduced her favorite artists tool - THE ERASER! She did a demonstration by drawing a still life of a violin (which Max's mother kindly lent us), and showed how you can be loose and scribbly with your pencil, as a way of getting your drawing the way you want it. Then, she outlined the good parts with a marker, and erased all the scribbles.

At Choice Time, the Turtles had a chance to try out this technique, drawing their own violin still life. It was amazing watching them study the shapes and their relationship to each other, and work to replicate them on the page. The erasers give the Turtles more freedom to try to draw in different ways, without becoming frustrated.

We also got to spend some time out in the fresh snow. After bundling up, we headed out in search of tracks. There were mostly people tracks - although some swear we saw baby bear footprints. The Turtles headed over to the untouched soccer field and decided to make our own marks.

We made shapes and letters and angels in the snow. We ran and fell and threw snowballs into the creek and watched them melt. A ball buried in the snow started a exuberant game of snow soccer. All too soon, it was time to head back inside - although the Turtles were pretty soggy by then. Max's mom brought us a new book to read today, A Sick Day for Amos McGee, which earned a Turtles' Two-thumbs-up.

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