Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Drums and Drawing

This morning found the Turtles very busy in their room. Many are mastering the magical cutting skill that renders a folded piece of paper into a heart (that we started to learn for Valentines day). Others worked on puzzles or played Villains and Superheroes (ours wear shiny capes and gloves). 

Still others were families with pets, watching a "dog and cat show" on our imaginary clubhouse TV. At Morning Meeting, we did several of our favorite songs - including 5 Little Monkeys, where the Turtles gleefully and repeatedly fall out of the bed.

Next, we had another Still Life demonstration, again drawing our borrowed violin. This time, the Turtles gave Carol instructions about what to draw and what was missing, and then helped her use the magic eraser to get rid of the extra scribbly lines. 

Then, the Turtles were in for another surprise. Noah brought in a large bag made of beautiful kente cloth. Inside, was a big African drum, that Noah had brought in to share with the class.

Noah demonstrated the sound for us and then answered questions from his friends. At Choice Time, the Turtles got to use that and several other drums in a lively drum circle. Others played the keyboard or worked on their Still Life Violin drawings. Still other friends helped take care of Slider, Luna and Nellie.

There was also time outside for some much needed running around, before we headed in for story time. Before we knew it, it was time to sing good-bye to our half-day friends. 

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