Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Singing and Dancing Day

Our morning started with dancing and drawing, as the Turtles gathered to dive in to their day. Every day, the Turtles are glad to see one another and connect through games and activities that they have honed all year long. Super heroes grab their capes, stories are told and families formed and reformed. The Turtles are confident in their relationships and truly own every piece of their space.

We reached into our imaginary pockets today and pulled out giant eggs. This has become a part of our yoga practice, as we hold and juggle and spin and stretch with different "objects" in our hands. When we were through, our eggs hatched and we had baby dinosaurs, kittens and puppies who joined us for Morning Meeting. 

Maggie brought in a toy pet from home and shared it with us on the Storyteller's Stool. Then, we had a story about music, and we talked about all the different ways that people make sounds and rhythms, as we made some ourselves. Before we knew it, it was time for music with Allison.

In the John Barnes room, we clapped and sang and danced, while Allison played her guitar. We sang the "I Spy" song, which is a song, and a riddle and a rhyme. Afterwords, we went out to the cemetery to visit the "puddle tree." We found some unsuspecting kids from the lower school, and jumped out to "scare" them, several times. Next came hug races, that culminate in large wads of Turtles and lots of laughing.

Back inside, we had a few more songs, and then Choice Time. Today, friends enjoyed duets on the keyboard and lots of puzzles. Mysteriously, many of the Turtles actually turned into cats and dogs and there was a great deal of barking and meowing - some in tune to a few favorite songs.

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