Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Outdoor Turtle Adventure!!!

After some time to play and gather our friends, the Turtles went on a much anticipated outdoor adventure. Packing up our snack and finding our buddies, we headed over to the Art Center to visit places we haven't seen since fall.

We snacked on the steps of the Art Center and were happy to see that our shadows have come back. Then we ran around in the "Echo Place," where we can go VERY fast and make a LOT of noise!

We sang a few songs while we were there, then it was time to visit some of our favorite statues - some that we particularly enjoy climbing up on.

We found signs of life and signs of spring, and excitedly shared these with one another. There were tracks, seeds, deer poops, buds, sticks, blue skies and bird songs.

Next, we found an incredible sight - some men building a new stone wall. They were taking huge rocks, breaking them with a hammer and chisel, and fitting them carefully into the new sign for the Art Center. They didn't mind us watching, and even cheerfully answered a number of Turtle questions while they worked.

We continued our hike and found even more art and more bits of nature. There were sculptures made of sticks and bamboo, and creatures painted on trees. Finally, we played in the slanted house, climbed a giant hill and headed back. It was good to be out in the sunshine.

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