Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

What a sweet (and well-sugared!) day! The Turtles started the day with lots of energy and so excited to share Valentines with each other. Then they headed to the tables to create even more Valentines! At Morning Meeting, Tamara demonstrated the magic of the heart, how to make a beautiful heart by folding, tracing, and cutting half a heart. When they opened the paper, there was a beautiful heart! We also enjoyed delicious red velvet cupcakes outside for our first picnic snack of the season! Movement with Missy was so much fun as we pretended jumpropes were snakes, and giant balls were balloons. We also played Rocks and Trees, a very tricky listening game. Then we got to play on the playground for a few minutes.
At lunch, we picked up again on one of our favorite topics: the amazing things that our real and imaginary pets do, and for afternoon snack, we had tiny chocolate turtles and bananas!
What a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping Valentine's Day LOW KEY- yet special. A beautiful balance.
