Thursday, December 2, 2010

In the Minds Eye: Imagery and Music

The Turtles have been actively creating stories to go along with music, and today we took it one step further. Carol introduced the idea of the "mind's eye." She had the children close their eyes, and then she said, "Make a picture of a red balloon." Then she led them through steps visualizing the balloon changing.
We also did a visualization to Yo Yo Ma's rendition of Morricone's Sergio Leone Suite: Ecstasy of Gold. The children heard horses galloping in a forest and a bear!
We extended this at Choice Time with more Classical Music Watercolors. The children painted evocative pictures of waterfalls, instruments, and balloons.
Another Choice Time activity was a new sorting center on the window sill where children sorted buttons into glass jars by color and size.

In the block area, amazing building with the magnatiles continued. Carol and Tamara went to a Continuing Education Workshop on mathematics and young children, and were inspired by the many ways that math can be taught in the daily life and play of young children. The Turtles are often very planful in their block play - discussing with one another what they want to construct and sharing ideas about how to go about it. Today, many of them referred to a sheet of printed plans and worked to recreate the ideas on the page. The Turtle's block play demonstrates their increasingly complex planning and problem solving skills as they develop ways of moving from ideas to two and three dimensional constructs.

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